Engage Component Suppliers Early to Gain Efficiencies, Bylined Article in Industry Today

Engage Component Suppliers Early to Gain Efficiencies, Bylined Article in Industry Today

When a component part is critical to total cost of ownership and uptime, equipment manufacturers can benefit from involving their component suppliers early on when developing a new model, product, or technology. The amount of strategy and science that is imparted into a purchased part’s design and build process can require honed expertise. Assuming such expertise for each critical component is represented within your internal product development team jeopardizes project timelines and outcomes.

As a supplier of rubber belting products – specifically conveyor belts – we’ve seen the benefits manufacturers gain when collaborating with us during product development. We’ve also been in the tough position of having to discuss with a customer who’s well into the development process why their belt design may function, but performance may not reach its full potential.

In this article, we share why working together creates a win-win situation for both parties and provide examples of pitfalls that can be avoided by including the experts of your component suppliers in the development process.

To read the full article, visit https://industrytoday.com/engage-component-suppliers-early-to-gain-efficiencies/

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