Opinion Letter: Automation initiative is a win-win for our state

Opinion Letter: Automation initiative is a win-win for our state

Automation in manufacturing is often narrowly depicted as robots doing jobs that people used to do, resulting in workforce displacement. 

The fact is, automation is helping businesses stay globally competitive in a time when finding skilled manufacturing employees is exceedingly difficult. In the U.S. last year, and for the first time in our country’s history, there were more jobs available than there were people to fill them. We can certainly relate in North Dakota, where our economic growth is also hindered by the state’s low population. This puts a strain on businesses and negatively impacts production. How can manufacturing companies, especially those capable of achieving sustainable growth, continue to make quality products if there are not enough people to fill the open positions? 

To view the full letter, visit https://www.inforum.com/opinion/letters

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