WCCO Belting Talks About their Hemp Belt to Better Harvest CBD Oil, Q&A in North America Farm Equipment Magazine

WCCO Belting Talks About their Hemp Belt to Better Harvest CBD Oil, Q&A in North America Farm Equipment Magazine

Conveyor belts can be an afterthought, often regarded as just another component part. The reality is the belt is the essence of the conveyor system. Although the physical differences from one belt to the next can be indecipherable to the untrained eye, the right belt will make or, quite literally, break the operation. The belt needs to be considered early in the process to ensure the correct rollers, take-up, return system, trough type and drive system are sufficient. 

WCCO Belting worked closely with FormationAg to manufacture a belt design that worked for their customers. Projects are more successful when the engineering teams of each business work directly together to define the customer’s requirements to create the most optimal solution. The solution, in this case, is successfully harvesting hemp and CBD oil. 

To learn more, view the full article at https://www.americafem.com/2020/06/22/

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